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During the Covid-19 pandemic, protective masks became common, especially for essential workers, but also for those in public, engaging in essential activity such as shopping. Sometimes people improvised, by having cloth masks made or using bandanas…

During the acute phase of the Covid-19 pandemic, non-essential businesses were ordered to close temporarily. Pictured here is Sessions on the River, a recording studio on Niagara Boulevard.

During the acute phase of the Covid-19 pandemic, bars and restaurants were ordered to shut down except for those that offered takeout, delivery or drive-thru service. Some restaurants did close their doors entirely, depending on circumstance.…

During the acute phase of the Covid-19 pandemic, all non-essential businesses closed, including hair salons. Pictured here is The Spa hair salon on Niagara Boulevard, advising customers of their temporary closure.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, businesses and various other entities took the time to thank essential workers for their hard work and personal risk. Essential workers came to include retail workers, truck drivers, health care workers, etc. Pictured…

During the Covid-19 pandemic, gatherings of more than five people were banned during the acute phase, which meant in-person church services could not convene. Churches everywhere turned to the Internet to stream their services and keep their…

Pictured here is a sign outside of St. Andrew's Knox Presbyterian Church, located on the west side of Central Avenue, offering hope and encouragement to passersby during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Pictured here is a sign on Jarvis Street, advertising an Easter turkey takeout dinner at the Runaround on Courtwright Street during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, the government mandated social distancing, requiring people who did not live in the same house to keep six feet apart. Pictured here is the floor of Wal Mart which, like other stores, instituted one-way aisles to ensure…

Social Distancing became crucial during the Covid-19 pandemic. Government regulations mandates six feet of distance between people who did not live in the same house and businesses took their own approach to obey the rule. Pictured here is the floor…

Listed here is a picture of an apartment building on Waterloo Street in the south end of town, bearing a sign spreading hope during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Pictured here is a trailer and johnny on the spot parked outside of Fort Erie International Academy. Government regulations during the Covid-19 pandemic were amended to include non-essential construction in the list of workers required to stay home.
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