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During the acute phase of the Covid-19 pandemic, doctor's offices changed how they did business, either by changing or extending their hours or offering virtual/telephone consultations. Pictured here is a doctor's clinic on Garrison road, which…

During the acute phase of the Covid-19 pandemic, public parks were closed to create social distancing. Pictured here is a park on Niagara Boulevard with fencing around the playground to ensure compliance.

During the acute phase of the Covid-19 pandemic, numerous non-essential businesses were closed, including gyms, to create social distancing. Pictured here is Bridgewater Athletic Club's sign advising customers of its temporary closure. KIS Business…

During the acute phase of the Covid 19 pandemic, the Ontario government prohibited gatherings of more than five people and restaurants could serve only takeout/delivery/drive thru. Pictured here is a notice at Southsides on Niagara Boulevard that…

The Thomas family children, Chale and Mia, wanted to bring hope to their Black Creek neighborhood, so they wrote 'Hope' in Christmas lights on their lawn.

During the acute phase of the Covid-19 pandemic, parks and trails were closed to the public to promote social distancing measures. Pictured here is a sign at a parking lot along the Niagara River, near the foot of Catharine street, where people like…

During the acute phase of the Covid-19 pandemic, social distancing was mandated, and some crucial services were offered in a different manner. Pictured here is Dr. Mitchell's Walk-In Clinic on Garrison Road, which offered virtual and phone…

During the Covid-19 pandemic, vandals took advantage of unattended buildings such as schools. Pictured here is GFESS after vandals stole the letters from the front of the school.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, essential businesses such as grocery stores, changed their business hours. For example, they opened to seniors only for an hour before regular opening, to ensure their safety. Pictured here is a sign outside Sobey's,…

During acute phase of the Covid-19 pandemic, non-essential businesses were ordered closed. Even essential businesses needed to re-think how they operated. Mechanics, for example, changed how they accepted and conducted appointments for oil changes…

During the Covid-19, society became creative about how to express support, gratitude and hope. Pictured here is the windows of the Crystal Beach Tim Horton's, promoting hope and social distancing.

During the Covid-19 pandemic, businesses, particularly those in the south end, were the targets of vandalism. Some businesses, such as Happy Jack's, took preventative measures by boarding up their windows ahead of vandalism.
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