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  • Tags: 1980s

The upper marina got a thirty thousand dollar face lift as Parks employees installed new docks.

Listed here is a document pertinent to the Parkview restaurant.

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Pictured in the front row from left to right: Steve Utvich, Doug Detenbeck, Al Chevalier, Fred Bolton, Bruce Warren, Don Powell, Gordon Colcleigh. Back from left to right: Wayne Mills, Bob Allen, Murray Henry, Colin Robertson, Ron Poole.

The Hill House of St. Barnabas' School was being used as a facility for readers and students living quarters as well as class rooms.

Texaco stood on Garrison Road.

Two unidentified people chat about real estate at the Home Show, which was run by the Fort Erie Chamber of Commerce.

The Ridgeway Lions Club has been a consistent supporter of the west end Minor Hockey program. Lions president Ed Tataruk presented west end hockey association president John Carver with a $1, 200 cheque to help with the cost of running the program.

Sunoco stood on Garrison Road.
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