Browse Items (4356 total)

  • Collection: Louis McDermott Collection

Listed here is a list of all residents living along Highland Avenue in 1927.

Listed here is a list of all residents living along Emerick Avenue in 1963.

Listed here is a document pertinent to William Vahey and the Vahey family of Bridgeburg. The late William Vahey was a member of Bridgeburg's first council and took up residence on Phipps Street.

Listed here is a document pertinent to Morningstar Meat & Grocery, a business that operated within Bridgeburg during the twenties and thirties.

Listed here is a list of all residents living along South Phipps Street in 1927.

Listed here are photographs of the Force Homestead, located on Phipps Street. Additionally, there is information regarding the property's history and record.

Listed here is a newspaper memoriam pertinent to the life of Byron Wilson, a Bridgeburg resident who fought as a Corporal in the First World War. Wilson was present at the Battle of Ypres, one of the wars decisive battles.

Listed here is a photo and information regarding the Kraft Homestead, located on Phipps Street.

Listed here are the specifications of houses being built along Phipps Street.

Listed here is a letter written in 1922 to Frank Hannes by Albert D. Nie, a mason contractor. The letter pertains to mason work performed on Hannes home on Phipps Street.

Listed here is a letter of correspondence written to Louis McDermott from a Buffalo resident. The letter is pertinent to the Fite family.

Listed here are photographs and additional information regarding Hiram Fite and the Fite home, located on Phipps Street and Central Avenue. The home was built in 1895 for Hiram Fite.
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